Ice Environments

After the first week of doing lava concepts, Black North have no given us all the task of creating different Ice Concepts based on Emma’s work because her work was amazing.


Emma’s Work

I like the idea of trying something different after working with lava concepts for a week. I needed to do some research into ice concepts before I start because I had never really looked into it before.

I looked into the hobbit for some referencing and there ice scenes that they used.


I also looked into concept art for ice age.

Unknown Unknown-1 Ice_bowl_concept_art

I looked at an artist called “Feng Zhu” his work is amazing. I really love his style and how it looks so realistic and unique.

winter_travellers_by_andreasrocha-d4ij92a feng_zhu_07 8f6d2262a83eacebfc91bf4e628e7c19-d491jnt snowbase

Now that I have looked at different designs I have an idea what I wanted to create, I did some quick sketches before I got to work on photoshop. I did these sketches so that I had some idea of what to create in photoshop.

Photo on 11-04-2015 at 13.23 #2 Photo on 11-04-2015 at 13.23

For this concept below I tried to create depth of field, I found out a new tool on photoshop that allow you to focus on once place and the background or foreground would then blur out. I wanted to try this new tool so I added an iceberg to the fore ground and made it look in focus, toward that background it made it less focused to try and show depth of field. I then added the ship in the fore ground and made it look focused as well.


For this concept I tried to used the rule of thirds, I placed the ice mountains to the left hand side and made it lead just left of the of the page where i place a mountain, I did this to make the viewer follow the mountain side into the background. After I had everything in place I then decided to place the ships on the left hand side so that it doesnt take away from the environment.

IceConcpet 2.

In creating this image I wanted to do something different as all my images where based outside, I decided that I would create a cave to fly thought, at the end of the cave in the background I placed some mountains to add depth to this image. I also created a reflection to show that the ship were flying over the water.

IceConcpet 3

We had another meeting at back north and got feedback on our work, He said overall that our work has improved and that they were pleased with the results. They then gave us a new brief to do over the next week. They want us to create a pre-vis of a set using maya and mud box to model.

As a group we decided to print off some of our concept work and place them on the wall. We then gave each image a number from 1-12.


After we numbed everything we then decided as a group to plan the pre vis. So we called out numbers of the images that we thought would look good together.

For Example: Image 11 (open land) would then lead on to Image 2 (open land with a river and arches) which would then lead on to image 5 (more arches and canyons) then that would lead on to image 9 (inside a cave). 


This would then give us and idea of what to model and what the model would then be leading on to.